Okay, it was loud, it was dark, people kept raming into me in the mosh pit, but it was the greatest experience of my life. Seriously, it rocked my balls off and shoved them down my throat. It was around six thirty when I got there, and this old band(I think one of the teacher's bands, I can't remember) was playing some old school rock like Deep Purple, and the Ramones. The place was so jumping, that people were either headbanging or moshing.
Then at seven, the actual bands started to perform. The first band was the 1up Kids, that used Reel Big Fish-esque type of rhythm to get the place on fire. I wasn't really too excited about them(or the next band for that matter), but they made me dance a little. Then, this Death Metal band Consulate37 was blasting their speakers in the most thrashing way possible. The ground actually shook when I moshed.
Oh, and the moshing. The moshing, more like smoshing heads together. I got my ass kicked and vice versa. People kept raming into each other and diving onto the ground. I tried diving too, and got my skull bashed in by some guy's shoe. Don't worry though, it's nothing serious, but it did give me a wicked bad headache after awhile.
Most of the bands kicked ass, and got major praise by the crowd as well as myself. When it was around nine thirty I started to leave. Then I got droped off by a friend and pasted out on my bed. I now wake here with body pains, a wicked bad headache, and I feel like heaving dry hunks, but it still was the greatest night ever. Seriously, if you've never been to one a rock concert before, I have my sincere pity on you, you momma's boy.
Live, love, and rock out loud: