I'm really getting sick and tired of always seeing sexual acts on people's userpages*. You remember violence? Remember when it used to entertain the hell out of us? Why have all of you neglected it? Last time I checked, violence was an important part of sanity. Therefore, I deem anyone insane who hasn't used violence in their everyday lives.
And to the few who think violence is a bad thing, I silently pray at night that they die of some communicable disease. So please, use violence whenever possible**. Use it to get revenge, justice, or even a quick laugh for that matter. Just remember to throw your trash into garbage cans, because littering is wrong. Thank You.
*Whether it be gay, straight, lesbo, tentacle, etc.
**Or always, for that matter.
That's the majority of Newgrounds users and has been since the start. They are so sex deprived that they resort to letting out their inner perversion and frustrations on sites like this.
Does violent temper count for being sane in your mind?
The way I see it, most people won't listen to you unless you break a few skulls in the process. Thanks anyway, though.