Oh Boobs, where would mankind be without you? You make men want to get up in the morning and you give life to infant children. Everyday, you give us milk to drink, warmth when we get hugs that last a lot longer than they should and milfs that would turn any gay man or straight woman to the opposite gender.
When I look at you, all I want to do it wake up in bed and see your soft eyes looking at me in the morning. When I need comfort, I want to see you wraped around my head in a soft manner. When I have sex, I expect nothing less than the finest job that would put hand or blow to shame.
Ever since you were first created in God's laboratory, I knew you were the one for me. How you stared right in my face and bounced up and down. Your firmness justifys your softness well as I suckle on your nipples during my mid-day meal. When I'm with you, I get that special feeling in my heart and in my pants.
When men and women stare at us, to hell with them, our love can never extinguish. Even now, as I write in this blog, I can feel your essence at the foot of the bed, egging me to come cloaser and have the most wild and crazy sex ever, that even 4chan members would get banned for posting it on their forums.
All I wanted to say to you and to the world it: To Tits.